Dedicated to Protecting Lives and Your Property
Did you know that your fire alarm system needs to be regularly inspected and tested to ensure proper performance in the event of a fire? We perform periodic fire alarm inspection to ensure the proper function of your system. In order to comply with these State laws and codes, fire alarm systems are required to be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with the requirements set forth in the National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72).
Henson Fire provides the industry’s most thorough testing, monitoring and inspectional services to make sure that your fire alarm system is working properly at all times.
We test of all manual pull stations, smoke and heat detectors, notification appliances including horns and strobes, annunciator panels, the main alarm panel and associated communications equipment.
Our employees are dedicated solely to fire alarm protection. Our technicians will test all of your fire alarm and life safety systems without unexpected nuisance alarms or equipment shutdowns. An inspection and testing program can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your building’s system; local code requirements; or insurance recommendations.
Contact Henson Fire today to perform a complimentary system survey to ensure your compliance with these local requirements for system inspection and testing.
Our Capabilities
Explore Your Options With Us
We know there are many reasons why you need to sell your home, and some of them can be very complicated. That’s why we discuss your options before having you sign any paperwork – we want you to be able to make the best choice for your family. Whether you’re moving across town, out of state, across the country or around the world, we’ll take care of you.
Do you need income to pay your mortgage but don’t want to sell while the housing market is still in a slump? No problem! We offer a variety of services. We’ll ensure you’ll get more visibility in a specific market to get the right price. If you’d rather rent your home, we’ll provide property management.